Elite Jamaica Official Channel 132K subscribers <__slot-el> 142,278 views Premiered Aug 9, 2023 #Brics#jamaica#russia “Amid the backdrop of the US championing its LGBTQ agenda in Jamaica, the Caribbean, and Africa coupled with potential sanctions stemming from Jamaica’s refusal to grant immunity to a diplomat’s same-sex spouse, a spirited debate has ensued across Jamaica and beyond. A frequent question that pops up, is – should Jamaica sever ties with the US? #jamaica#unitedstates#russia#Brics#southafrica#china Thank you for your donations: PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/elitejamm Tic tok: tiktok.com/@elitejamaica https://chat.whatsapp.com/HemOwBKfTz5… Contact: 876 450 9733 Thank you for watching