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A TERRIFYING But FUN Experience! Join me on this incredible CROCODILE ADVENTURE & WILDLIFE Tour! 👉 Watch Next: The Ultimate Herb Tour… Hold on to your seats, you are in for a treat! Not only did we learn about the crocodiles and wildlife on the scenic Black River, we got to see the crocodiles – and touch them! An amazing experience, but it is not for the weak of heart! And the bonus, when the guide KISSED the female crocodile before the male crocodile noticed! — CHAPTERS — 00:00 Intro 01:18 where is black river safari located 02:05 Kissing The Crocodile 02:44 Meet Ter, The tour guide 02:55 Where does the Black River start and end? 02:57 How long is the black river in Jamaica? 04:11 Meet the biggest crocodile in the river (Terrorist) 05:24 How fast does a crocodile swims? 06:40 The egrets in Jamaica | Wildlife In Jamaica 07:36 The mangroves in Jamaica (White And Red Mangrove) 08:20 Does Black River have crocodiles? 08:25 Are there wetlands in Jamaica? 08:30 What is the largest wetland in Jamaica? 08:50 How many teeth can a crocodile have? 09:00 How big is the average crocodile length? 09:04 Can crocodile live 100 years? 09:18 Do crocodiles hang in groups? 09:34 water hyacinth in Jamaica 10:08 What is a crocodile favorite food? 10:53 What is the difference between alligator and crocodile? 11:15 How To Tell The Gender Of A Crocodile 11:43 Where the salt spring meets the black river 12:26 Do crocodiles need the sun? 12:41 What does it mean when a crocodile has his mouth open? 13:02 The great egret in Jamaica 13:10 How many species of ferns in Jamaica? 13:21 What is brackish water? 13:32 What are poncake lilies or lily pads? 13:50 How many eggs does a crocodile lay? 13:55 How many crocodile eggs survive? 14:20 How does temperature affect crocodile gender? 14:35 Where do crocodiles nest? 15:30 What kind of fish are in the Black River in Jamaica? 15:47 The Great Blue Heron Bird 16:20 Why is Black River called Black River? 17:11 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Peat Soil 17:56 How do you stop a crocodile from attacking you? 18:23 Are crocodiles endangered in Jamaica? 18:44 The Mangrove Avenue 19:44 What is the lifespan of a mangrove tree? 19:50 How does a mangrove tree survive? 20:48 The Interview With The Tour Guide (Ter) 21:21 The scariest moment on the back river safari 23:45 Picture of Crocodile laying in the sun 24:50 Heading To The Crocodile Nursery 26:59 Wrapping Up #attractionsinjamaica#thingstodoinjamaica#blackriversafari#crocodilesinjamaica ———————————————- ✔️OTHER ‘MUST-SEE’ VIDEOS ———————————————- ▶The Ultimate Herb Tour:… ▶100% Organic Farming In Jamaica:… ▶American Couple Developed A Thriving GOAT DAIRY FARM:… ———————————- 💡 FAQ’s, THANKS, CONTACTS & COMMUNITY 💡 ——————————— 👪JOIN MY EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY: 📞 Charles Swaby’s Black River Safari Tour: 876-964-2513 🔗 My Website: 🔗 My E-STORE (for Jamaican products):… 📞 For Support, Features, Tours or Bookings: 876-825-2237 ————————————– ✔️ Be Sure To Check my Awesome PLAYLISTS AS WELL: ————————————— ▶ JAMAICAN FOOD AND RECIPES:… ▶ TOP JAMAICAN ATTRACTIONS:… ▶ JAMAICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE:… ▶ AMAZING JAMAICAN PEOPLE AND PERSONALITIES:… ▶ JAMAICAN RESORTS AND VILLAS:… ▶ JAMAICAN COMEDY AND FUN VIDEOS:… Love Jamaica and want to learn more about #TheRealJamaica. Here are the next steps … 🔔SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: GET ‘THE REAL JAMAICA’ 🔗… ▶ GET MY FREE EBOOK: “101 Intriguing facts about Jamaica”:… ⚡ CONNECT WITH ME! ⚡ 🔥 Facebook: 🔥 Twitter: 🔥 Instagram: Wellesley Gayle is the founder and author of, where he shares the uniqueness of Jamaica with the world – since 2007!
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